Google Chrome Getting New Logo After 8 Years. After a long hiatus, the Google Chrome logo is changing. After eight years, the logo is changing to one of the world’s most popular search engines, Google Chrome. Google Chrome designer Elvin Hu himself tweeted this.
Google Chrome launched in 2008. That’s when the first logo for Google Chrome was created. Then, in 2011, and 2014, the logo was changed. So far, that logo has been used.
But what changes are being made to the Chrome logo? Suddenly, the user does not realize that something has changed in the logo. To understand the whole matter, one has to observe closely.
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Until now, Google Chrome used three color codes. red, green, and yellow. It was accompanied by shadows. However, the new logo will no longer have shadows. That means there will only be three basic color codes. The logo will be brighter.
Google Chrome designer Elvin Hu has tweeted several times about the details. Elvin wrote in his tweet, “Many of you may have noticed that Google Chrome has been updated. After eight long years, we are going to change the Chrome brand icon. New icons will appear on every device very soon.
Along with Chrome, several changes have been made to the Chrome icon for Windows and macOS. For example, a special graded look for Windows and a 3D look for MacOS
Many may wonder why such a change was made. Elvin also gave the answer. We want to make sure that people can understand our message through our brand logo, “he explained.
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